Of Mice and Men:
Reading and Writing Unit
Created by Maggie Kate Moran
Content Area: English 9 & Special Education Collaboration.
Accommodations & Modifications are designed for a student with dyslexia who is reading at 3rd grade level.
Software: Co-Writer, Inspiration, Microsoft Word, WYNN Reader
Hardware: Computer with Internet Explorer, Printer, Scanner
Activities: Unit plan may cover several days up to two weeks.
* Students learn new vocabulary using the online vocabulary flashcards with audio at http://www.argo217.k12.il.us/departs/english/blettiere/OMAM_flashcards_words.htm
* Students read “Of Mice and Men”
* Students complete teacher made quizzes on each chapter.
Accommodation for diverse learner:
* Student uses Books on Tape/CD version for reading
* Student completes online gapfill exercises to fulfill quiz requirements for each chapter. See sample at http://www.argo217.k12.il.us/departs/english/blettiere/OMAM_01_summaryquiz.htm
* Student completes a Character Chart
Modification for diverse learner:
* Student uses Inspiration software to complete a Character Map
* Students demonstrates acquisition of vocabulary and terms from the novel and banned book topic
Culminating Activity: Students write a 5-paragraph essay based on the teacher prompt “Should this book be banned?”
Modification for diverse learner:
* Student listens to NPR Tavis Smiley online audio interview on banned books located at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1150426
* Student uses Inspiration software to brainstorm ideas for the assigned essay.
* Student uses Inspiration to create a character map.
* Student uses WYNN Reader to access the online Internet graphic organizer on TeAchnology website. By using the graphic organizer, the student will complete an outline for the essay
* Student uses Co-Writer word prediction and spell-checking software. Post-writing:
* Student utilizes WYNN computer speech capabilities to assist in the proofing process
Preparation for Diverse Learner Accommodations and Modifications: Have software installed on the computers. Have a scanner with OCR capabilities to scan information from print sources. Have previously instructed the student on the use of the software before this lesson. Have 20 word topic dictionary on WYNN program of most important terms for the unit
Word Topic Dictionary:
* Novel specific topics: Great Depression, migrant workers, New Deal, banned books, First Amendment, censorship, offensive language, obscenity, Telecommunications Act
* Literature topics: plot, setting, symbol, theme, figurative/literal meaning, metaphor, foreshadow
Assessment: The unit will be assessed by observation, oral and written quizzes on reading and vocabulary, and a rubric for the essay based 6-trait writing. The rubric will be modified to reflect the student’s level of written language and will be based on the students writing goals in the Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Reflection on Assistive Technology Inclusion Unit Plan
The assistive technology (AT) changes required for inclusion of students with diverse learning needs would be identified by the special education case manager, occupational therapist or physical therapist through assessment and observation in both the regular education and special education setting. Research would be done by the special education or supportive services staff on available assistive technology and the computer technology staff would be enlisted for feedback and technical support. If the AT was low tech, inexpensive, or would likely benefit many students (such as in the case of a software program for building basic math or spelling skills) the request would be through the standard special education budget process. If the AT was student specific, high tech and costly, the issue would be addressed through the Individual Education Process (IEP) where the school district would have to approve the requisition. Once a purchase is made for sophisticated AT equipment or software, the case manager (or OT/PT if the student is receiving these support services) is responsible for knowing how to use the technology and training the student to use it. The computer technology staff is available for hardware and technical setup and troubleshooting, however, they distance themselves from the use and training of the equipment and software. This is understandable, because their time could easily be gobbled up by frustrated case managers who have a hard time reading manuals and using the help menu to learn a program. The school district is also willing to provide access to training for staff to utilize AT. In summary, assistive technology would be discussed with the computer technology staff, would be addressed in the student’s IEP meeting, and the school district would authorize the purchase with observation in the regular education setting and collaboration with the teacher. Along with making the AT changes, the special education case manager is usually the person to make accommodations for diverse learners; however this area tends to be more collaborative. The support staff is excellent and the communication is such that their recommendations are taken for serious consideration because of the time they spend in the classroom setting and working one-on-one with students. The accommodations that are made for a student with a severe reading and writing disability could also be used to benefit all students in the classroom. Books on Tape are an excellent way for students to listen while they read along to build reading fluency, develop a sense of expression while reading, and remain focused. By hearing the words read while reading the written word, the information is being delivered in two modes, audio and visual which is promoted as an effective instruction strategy by proponents of multi-sensory research and methods. Most students would also benefit from the auditory method for editing their writing. It is very difficult to be objective and edit one’s own work. When the computer reads the writing assignment, there is an element of “a step removed” and it is more likely the student will catch errors. With portable word processing options and ear buds, students can use the computer “read back” method to improve their editing capabilities. The majority of accommodations for this unit would be easily made by other special education staff. The online graphic organizers and books on tape are used as a standard by aides and teachers. The use of Inspiration and WYNN Reader would require training. The Information and Technology Literacy Standard (ITLS) have been listed in the Unit/Lesson Plan. The student will identify that media and technology will open up ability to focus on strengths instead of disability. The media and technology aspects of the ITLS standards include learning technology terms and capabilities from ranging from the standard (CD’s and tape recorders to innovative (word prediction software and text-to-speech reading software). The use of computers to create and present information is so important to level the playing field for students with learning disabilities, especially in the areas of reading and written language. The main advance is in the ITLS category for independent learning. Instead of relying on resource teacher and aides, the student is more likely to demonstrate self-motivation and increased responsibility for their learning. Reluctant or non-readers can develop confidence and greater competence which will lead to appreciation for literature and creative expression. My role as special education teacher gives me the opportunity to be in many classrooms. I have developed a strong, collaborative relationship with the majority of teachers on staff. The regular education staff teaching style (as it relates to differentiation) varies from ownership of all students to “your kids/my kids”. I will continue to work with the resistant staff by providing suggestions for accommodations and modifications in the regular education setting as warranted by the student’s Individual Education Plan.
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